Bitcoin (BTC)

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin was the first decentralized digital currency based on blockchain technology. It was created in 2008 by an anonymous programmer known as Satoshi Nakamoto, who released the white paper in a cryptography mailing list and later open-sourced the software that implements the protocol.

How does Bitcoin work & where can I get a bitcoin wallet?

Bitcoin is software that runs on a number of distributed devices ranging from smartphones as mobile wallets, PCs as desktop wallets, to ASIC for mining. Transactions are relayed between nodes in a peer-to-peer fashion. In a few seconds, a given block will be propagated to all other nodes on the network. While ensuring that all nodes reach a consensus on which are the valid blocks. The process of supplying new coins in the system is done via the process of mining. The mining software runs on specialized hardware and it tries to compute the hash of assembled transactions and a number called the nonce. The software targets a difficulty index automatically adjusted by the network. The first miner to find the correct nonce wins the mining reward and can relay the mined block to other peers on the network. Math Wallet is the best bitcoin wallet app for Android and iOS phones, moreover, the Wallet App is a multi-coin crypto wallet so instead of downloading a single bitcoin wallet, you'll be able to store many types of crypto coins and tokens with Math wallet!

What are the features of Bitcoin?

Store Of Value

Bitcoin, unlike other cryptocurrencies, is considered a store of value and is said to be the next global reserve currency in years to come.

Gateway To Digital Currency World

Bitcoin is considered a gateway to the cryptocurrencies world, based on its based status being the originator and first successful experiment on digital currency.

Bitcoin Script Language

An assembly-like language is used to build complex types of transactions and advanced contracts to an extent. Complex transactions like Multi-Sig are possible because of advanced Bitcoin scripting.

Some Key Terms

Soft Fork

Change to the Bitcoin protocol that makes old blocks invalid which was valid in the past. Bitcoin Segwit transactions feature was implemented as a soft fork to the network.

Hard Fork

Change to the Bitcoin protocol that makes previously invalid blocks or transactions valid. The BerkeleyDB bug activated an accidental hard fork to the Bitcoin network in 2013.

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