Bot Commands
Everything you need to know before you start your journey.
🇺 Users Commands 🇺
Use /calc
to see the conversion rate for fiat or any other assets.
Will show exchange amount assets to fiat or asset to assets.
Params (space-separated, in any order):
- number value1 value2 (first param is the number, then value1 and value2)
- /calc 1000 CLO USD
- (shows how many USD you can get for 1000 CLO).
- /calc 1000 USD CLO
- (shows how many CLO you can get for 1000 USD).
- /calc 100 ETH BTC
- (shows how many BTC you can get for 100 ETH).
Use /corecoins
to show the list of all supported coins
Please note! This command only works in the chat with the bot.
Will show supported coins/networks (blockchains)
- /corecoins
- (shows only the core coins supported by CryptoBot).
Use /coretokens
to show the list of all core tokens.
Please note! This command only works in the chat with the bot.
What are the core tokens? - Core tokens are the tokens that were added to the CryptoBot and have no limitation to use. You could set them up as the default token for your group, make the rains, tips, giveaways and etc.
Will show supported tokens.
Params (space-separated):
- contract / the command can accept the contract key - in this case, it will show us the contract addresses to the output
- /coretokens contract
- (shows the core tokens with the contracts).
- /coretokens
- (shows only the core tokens without the contracts).
Use /tip
to make a tip
- Tip user(s) with the provided amount for coins.
If called in Reply message - the author of the replied message will be tipped.
Special case: you can give tips with Lottery tickets (see help for POT command details).
Donation: tip the bot itself to make a donation to the author.
the command can be used instead of tip (same function).
Params (space-separated, in any order):
- value / number (if omitted - default value used)
- coin code/string (if omitted - group default coin used)
- userName / @string (or list of user names)
- pot (use POT special word to make tip with a Lottery Ticket, instead of coins)
- help (show this help)
- /tip @user1 @user2 10 LTC
- (send 10 LTC to @user1, and 10 LTC to @user2).
- /tip @user1 5
- (send 5 CLO (by default) to @user1).
- /tip @user1 100 CLO pot
- (buy 2 CLO lottery tickets for @user1).
- /tip CLO
- (send 1 (by default) CLO in reply to a message to tip the author of that message).
- /tip @Crypto_TheBot 100 CLO
- (donate 100 CLO to bot's author).
Use /give
or /giveaway
to start a giveaway
or /giveaway
- giveaway coins in the group to the first user who claims it
Params (space-separated, in any order):
- value / number (if omitted - default value used)
- coin code / string (if omitted - group default coin used)
- help (show this help)
- /give 0.5 BTC
- /giveaway CLO
(default value is 1)
- /give 100
(group default coin will be used)
Use /rain
or /airdrop
for an Airdrop
- Spread N coins among X random users.
the command can be used instead of rain (same function).
Params (space-separated, in any order):
- value / number (if omitted - default value used).
- coin code/string (if omitted - group default coin used).
- NUMBER_of_Users / number (if omitted or ALL or MAX words used - VALUE divided by minimum possible value/per user - to get a number of receivers).
- RainListName / string (make rain for users from rain list named RainListName ).
- help (show this help).
Note 👉 If 2 numbers are provided, and the min value for the coin is a whole number - then the higher of the 2 numbers will be used as VALUE. If one of the 2 numbers is float - it will be used as VALUE. Users are counted inside the current group or channel.
- /rain 20 10 CLO
= (split 20 CLO to 10 random users).
- /rain 1000
= (split 1000 CLO (if the default is CLO) to 1000 random users, min value for CLO is 1, if only 100 registered users found in chat - everyone gets 10 CLO).
- /rain
= (split 10 (default) CLO (default) to 10 (10 div 1) users.
Use /race
or /racejp
for Power-C.AR Racing
How does it work?
Car racing betting has grown in popularity as the sport pulled in new fans recently. In addition, the ease of betting on auto races via the blockchain. You will be betting on the cars to win a particular race. Power-C.AR and Absolute Wallet tandemly will allow you to buy a vehicle and make passive income.
Our algorithm will choose three random NFT vehicles from the Absolute Wallets six times per week (every day except Friday), then starts the race.
Placing bets is only allowed with these four assets: "SOY"; "CLO"; "CLOE"; "BUSDT."
- "to show the actual/active race."
- "to show the active Jackpot race."
/race help
- "to get this message."
/race run
- "to perform an active race immediately without waiting for the timer (admin only)."
/race stop
-"cancel active race (only for admin)."
(1 or 0) - "to enable/disable races for the current chat (disabled by default, could be run by admin only)."
Please note!
Win Rate does not increase the chances of winning the race.
Races numbers are provided only for information purposes.
Users cannot cancel any scheduled race.
Admins can only stop the active race if no minimum bets are made on two of three cars.
Absolute Wallet algorithm randomly*** selects three vehicles six times per week and five cars for a monthly Jackpot race.
There are no betting limits per user; the user can buy any amount of tickets they want.
The earnings will be transferred automatically with the following proportions:
10% / (5 + 2*bonus) % / (pot winner) %
The winners will receive 70% proportionally of all the bets from participants.
*If there are no bonus stars on the car, it will move 10% to the Jackpot wallet.
*If the car without any bets won the race, 80-85% of all bets will be sent to the Jackpot wallet.
*Absolute Wallet fees are only 5% per race.
*Jackpot fees - 5%.
*Callisto Enterprise fees are 5% per race.
The car owner: will receive (Car Bonus * 2) % + 5%
*5% is the minimum to receive by the vehicle owner with 0 bonus.
On the last Friday of every month, we will run an Ultimate Race with five random vehicles.
The winner will receive the accumulated monthly bonus.
If there are not enough bets (below 30) for the current Ultimate month Race - Jackpot moves to next month.
Only one (1) car can be chosen to participate in the Regular Race or the Ultimate Race. Users can't bet on multiple vehicles.
The Jackpot amount will vary based on the CLO, CLOE and SOY current exchange rate.
Use /rtrain
for an Airdrop based on reTweets
- Spread N coins among those users who retweeted a tweet.
If no number for retweet target is specified - the first call of rtrain will only start the retweets counter. In this case, a second call with the same tweet link will show the tweet stats. If the retweets target = 0 - rtrain will run immediately. If the retweets target was set in the previous command, and the new command has target = 0 - rtrain will run immediately, all other targets are ignored, and the retweets collection stops. If no targets were specified or all targets were reached - retweets collection stops.
Note: - bot takes 10% fee for each performed twitter rain.
Params (space separated):
- value/number (required for the second call or for auto-rain, first found in params number).
- coin code/string (if omitted - group default coin used).
- tweet_link / URL (link to the tweet).
- retweets / number(s) (target number of retweets to reach for next rain - up to 4 targets for 1 tweet).
- help (show this help).
- /rtrain {url}
= (start collecting retweets for tweet ID = 1255634622240743426).
- /rtrain {url} 1000 CLO
= (if called after the previous command - calls rain for already collected retweets, ends a collection of retweets).
- /rtrain {url} 1000 CLO 0
= (run rain immediately, ends the collection of retweets).
- /rtrain 1000 clo {url} 100 200
= (start collecting retweets, run rain when 100 retweets reached, then run another rain when 200 retweets reached, each rain spreads 1000 CLO).
Use /rndcheck
command to keep your community active
- Generate the Paycheck with a random interval.
This command will generate the "Paycheck" (when the user clicks on it - he will be forwarded to the bot for receiving the token amount provided in check). Only one activation is possible for the check, generated by this command. The check will be generated with random time intervals (taking into account the given quantity per day). Tokens value provided by check is also random within provided bounds.
Calling command again with new params will replace the previous command call.
Read the params description for more info.
NO-params (stop your random checks generation in current chat)
value1 / number (min amount for check) - if no Max provided amount bound will be [value1-50%, value1+50%]
value2 / number (max amount for check) - can be omitted
token / string (token/coin name) - if omitted default coin will be used
x2 / string(x)+number (number of check per day) - x2 = twice a day, x3 = 3 times a day, etc.
d2 / string(d)+number (number of days) - d2 = two days in a row (x2 d2 - will generate 4 checks in total in 2 days)
help (show this help)
- stop previously started rndcheck/rndcheck 10 20 clo x3
- generate 3 checks in 24 hours with amount between 10 and 20 clo/rndcheck 20 cloe x4 d3
- generate 4 checks each day 3 days in a row with amount between 10 and 30 cloe
Use /stat
to get stats
- Show stats for the bot's operations (global or for one coin).
- NO-params (view global stat).
- code / string (coin code) - to view stats for a select coin.
- help (show this help).
- /stat
- /stat ETC
Use /pot
for lottery
- View info about the current lottery, or take part in the lottery (buy a ticket).
- NO-params (view current pot by coin, default for the current group).
- code / string (coin code) - view pot status by selected coin.
- value/number - your pot value (can not be less than the minimum ticket price). You can buy multiple tickets with one command by entering the value multiplied by the number of tickets you want.
- userName / @string (or list of user names - to send ticket(s) as a gift to user(s)).
- help (show this help).
- /pot
- /pot ETH
- /pot 100 CLO
- (buy 2 tickets in CLO lottery).
- /pot @User1 @User2
- (buy 1 ticket in default coin lottery for each user listed, they must be registered with the bot)
Use /pottery
to see a list of 3 lottery (CLO, CLOE, SOY)
- View info about the current lottery bets and be a part of these lotteries (you could buy a ticket by clicking on the "Ticket" button).
Lotteries are drawn every week on Friday at 07:00 PM (UTC). Minimal ticket price - 50x (or 20x for higher-priced coins) of the coin's minimal value (for example, 50 CLO coins).
Every user can buy as many tickets as they want. Winners are randomly selected.
The first winner gets 70% of the pot, second - 20%, last - 10%. If the number of tickets is less than 20, there will only be one winner, who will get the whole pot (minus the dev fee).
Admins can disable lotteries in their group/chat - so no one can buy tickets or view pot status.
The special case of buying tickets: You can buy tickets for another user(s) as a gift (either using the command in Reply to a message or using @UserName(s) with the command). In this case, Pot Value may be omitted - default minValue will be used (1 ticket for each listed user).
Dev fee: 10% of the pot.
Use /p
to get the coin price (price checker)
will display the fiat price for tokens or coins.
- NO-params (will display the price of the default coin/token for this group).
- first value / string (coin code) - to view price for a specific coin/token. The full list could be found at CoinMarketCap
- second value / string (currency code) - to view price in provided currency. The full list could be found at ISO-4211
- help (show this help)
- /p
(will display actual price in the default currency for the current group, if this wasn’t set up by admin it will show in US $)
- /p ETH
(will display actual Ethereum price in the default currency for the current group, if this wasn’t set up by admin it will show in US $)
- /p ETH EUR
(will display actual Ethereum price in Euro)
Use /s
to get the coin stats (price checker)
will display daily price stats for tokens or coins.
- NO-params (will display daily price stats in default coin/token for this group).
- first value / string (coin code) - to view price for a specific coin/token. The full list could be found at CoinMarketCap
- second value / string (currency code) - to view price in provided currency. The full list could be found at ISO-4211
- help (show this help)
- /s
(will display daily price stats in default coin/token for the current group, if this wasn’t set up by admin it will show in US $)
- /s ETH
(will display daily Ethereum stats price in the default currency for the current group, if this wasn’t set up by admin it will show in US $)
- /s ETH EUR
(will display daily Ethereum stats price in Euro)
Use /contract
to get the contract info
- view contract addres or addresses (if the token exists in different chains) of the supported token.
Params (space-separated, in any order):
NO-params (will display the contract address of the default coin/token for this group).
value / string (coin code) - to view contract address for a specific coin/token.
help (show this help)
(will display contract address of default coin/token for the current group)/contract CLO
(will display phrase: 'CLO is a native Callisto Network coin!')/contract USD
T (will contract addresses for USDT token in 5 (currently) networks)
🅰️ Admins Only Commands 🅰️
Use /locale
for switching language
- Change locale for bots' messages
- code/string (locale code)
- help (show this help)
- /locale en
(Switch to English)
- /locale ru
(Switch to Russian)
Use /defcoin
for default coin in the current group
- Set the default coin for a group.
This coin is used by default if another coin is not specified by the user. Each group/channel can have its own default coin.
- NO-params (view current defaults).
- code/string (coin code).
- help (show this help).
- /defcoin CLO
(Default coin will be setting up for CLO)
- /defcoin
Use /deffiat
for default fiat currency in the current group
- Set the default fiat currency for this group.
This fiat currrency is used by default if another fiat is not specified by the Admin. Each group/channel can have its own default currency. The full list could be found at ISO-4211
- NO-params (view current defaults).
- code/string (coin code).
- help (show this help).
- /deffiat CNY
(Default fiat currency will be set up for Chinese yuan).
- /deffiat
(View current default).
Use /deletereply
to turn on/off messages auto-delete
- Turn on/off auto-delete option. Therefore, the bot will delete (or not) its replies after a specific time period.
- NO-params (view current defaults)
- value/string or number (ON, OFF, TRUE, FALSE, 0, 1 values accepted)
- help (show this help)
- /deletereply on
(Auto-delete will be turned ON)
- /deletereply 0
(Auto-delete will be turned OFF)
Use /permitlottery
for enabling or disabling lottery
- Turn on/off lotteries for the current group.
If you want to restrict group users from making lottery bets.
- NO-params (view current defaults).
- value / string or number (ON, OFF, TRUE, FALSE, 0, 1 values accepted).
- help (show this help).
- /permitlottery off
(The lottery bets will be forbidden)
- /permitlottery true
(The lottery will be turned ON for the current group)
Use /potnotify
for disabling repeating pot notifications
- Turn on/off repeating pot notifications.
- NO-params (view current defaults)
- value/string or number (ON, OFF, TRUE, FALSE, 0, 1 values accepted)
- help (show this help)
- /potnotify on
(Auto-delete will be turned ON)
- /potnotify 0
(Auto-delete will be turned OFF)
Use /denylist
to block all rains for a specific user(s)
- Add a user to the deny list, so he will not receive rain.
A user can be added to the deny list if he is a member of the current group. But the restriction is global - it includes all groups. To remove a user from the deny list use /undenylist
command. This command must be called from within the same group that it was originally issued in. The command can be called in the Reply message as well. You could add/remove multiple users in one shot, just type them with the space separator.
- userName / @string (or list of user names)
- help (show this help)
- /denylist @user1 @user2
(@user1 and user2, will be added onto deny list)
-/undenylist @user2
(@user2 will be removed from deny list)
Use /rainlist
to manage rain lists
- View or create a rain list for rain.
Each rain list only belongs to one group/channel.
Note: rain list Names ARE case sensitive! ( Crypto != crypto ).
Params (space-separated, in any order):
- (no-param) (a view known rain lists for the current group).
- Name / string (create rain list / view list contents, if list exists).
(Add user(s) to rain list).
Params (space separated, in any order):
- Name / string (rain list name).
- @UserName / string(s) (add User(s) to rain list).
/rlistremove - Remove user(s) from rain list.
Params (space separated, in any order):
- Name / string (rain list name).
- @UserName / string(s) (remove User(s) from rain list).
- Delete full list and clear contents.
Params (space-separated, in any order):
- Name/string (rain list name).
For the Referral programs
Use /refstart
to start a referral program
Use /refstop
to stop a referral program
Use /refstats
to show the statistics of the existing referral program
Use /refusers
to export the detailed data in "csv" format
Use /refpayments
to distribute a payment
- referral ID number
Please note! These commands above could be executed only by the Referral owner.
Last updated