🎰CryptoBot Lotteries

First Crypto Lottery in Telegram

Lotteries are drawn every week on Friday at 07:00 PM (UTC). Minimal ticket price - 50x (or 20x for higher-priced coins) of the coin's minimal value (for example, 50 CLO coins).

Every user can buy as many tickets as they want. Winners are randomly selected.

The first winner gets 70% of the pot, the second - 20%, the third - 10%. If the number of tickets is less than 20, there will only be one winner, who will get the whole pot (*minus the dev fee).

Admins can disable lotteries in their group/chat - so no one can buy tickets or view pot status.

The special case of buying tickets: You can buy tickets for another user(s) as a gift (either using the command in Reply to a message or using @UserName(s) with the command). In this case, Pot Value may be omitted - default minValue will be used (1 ticket for each listed user).

  • Dev fee: 10% of the pot.

Click here to see the commands /pot

Last updated